A strange bug which wasn't found on the net yet and which I want to report here. I use the Google Calendar Api for one site. Testing locally was perfectly fine (btw: you can add into the allowed domains for this). But after deploying it ...
Another python supported flashgame
Another flashgame which I automated a bit through python. My old blog entry is here. This entry again will just show my experiences even if there aren't that much :)
What is the game
It is realm of the mad god. A RPG with perma death. Perma death means it ...
some Magento errors I encountered
Often errors in magento are very cryptic - when also googling doesn't solve problem it can get time-consuming. That's why I post here my errors I encountered and where I haven't found anything on the net.
extend() on a non-object in lib/Varien/Simplexml/Config.php
Fatal error ...
Python Bot for a Flashgame
Inspired by a Youtube-Video how to play flashgames using python I wanted to try it myself. This post is less about the code and more about the experiences I got.
Since computers are designed to help us in every day tasks.. they should also help us in gaming tasks ...
Europa Universalis 3 Save-Game Parser/Writer in Python
Here is a small tool, which can load savegames of Europa Universalis 3.
I use it to remove not so important things to reduce loading times.. But maybe it is useful for other tasks too
The code
Previously I had some code here, but better look at the github ...
Convert .ncftp/bookmarks to .netrc
When using the netrw plugin for vim it is recommended to use the .netrc file for managing all ftp logins. Because I used ncftp before this I wanted to easily convert all my stored ftp bookmarks (which are many) into the .netrw format. Here I post my script for this ...
jQuery Chili with Python Syntax Highlighting
If you like the jQuery Chili Plugin for syntaxhighlighting and like to publish python scripts, you will see that there is not a default highlighting file for this available. If you need one read further.. After short googling the web I came across this: python.js from Ben Godfrey. The ...!--more-->
Exploit Magento Zend Vulnerability
If you want to check your magento installation whether it was affected by the XXE injection inside XMLRPC API I will show you my short pythonscript for it. For that you'll need Python/Requests. And the following script which you might need to configure for your installation:
import requests ...
Yii Soap with Authentication
You use the WebService for Yii and want users to authenticate before they use other commands..
You should have set up some basic authentication for your website already and just want to enhance it with a webservice. Authentication works similar to this.
Our goal is to have a ...
Automatically add @property and @method to Yii CActiveRecord Models
To improve Code Inspection for PHPStorm I needed to automatically add all database attributes as @property to my CActiveRecord classes. Additionally it adds all relations and some common used CActiveRecord methods too.
End Result
A yii commandline utility. You configure it with your db and run it on your codebase ...
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