In XBMC the support for different languages in movies or subtitlelanguages is minimal. In this guide I will show what I did, to display the language and subtitle language of my movies. So it covers how to get the audiolanguage in the database and how to use this information to ...
My Switch from Wordpress to Pelican redirect problem + solution
I'm using and qtwebkit which seem to have a problem with the 3xx HTTP-Status codes. It doesn't follow the "Location" header. In this post I explain my hackfix so that this works again.
Bug description
I use PyQt 4.9.6-r2 from the gentoo repository. And ...
Automated Frontend Testing
This article is about simulating browsers to test your webpages. Contrary to a unit-test you check your whole page with this. That is also why I think this is the most cost/time efficient method. But also you probably won't see so much cornercases and won't find so ...
Another python supported flashgame
Another flashgame which I automated a bit through python. My old blog entry is here. This entry again will just show my experiences even if there aren't that much :)
What is the game
It is realm of the mad god. A RPG with perma death. Perma death means it ...
Python Bot for a Flashgame
Inspired by a Youtube-Video how to play flashgames using python I wanted to try it myself. This post is less about the code and more about the experiences I got.
Since computers are designed to help us in every day tasks.. they should also help us in gaming tasks ...
Europa Universalis 3 Save-Game Parser/Writer in Python
Here is a small tool, which can load savegames of Europa Universalis 3.
I use it to remove not so important things to reduce loading times.. But maybe it is useful for other tasks too
The code
Previously I had some code here, but better look at the github ...
Convert .ncftp/bookmarks to .netrc
When using the netrw plugin for vim it is recommended to use the .netrc file for managing all ftp logins. Because I used ncftp before this I wanted to easily convert all my stored ftp bookmarks (which are many) into the .netrw format. Here I post my script for this ...
jQuery Chili with Python Syntax Highlighting
If you like the jQuery Chili Plugin for syntaxhighlighting and like to publish python scripts, you will see that there is not a default highlighting file for this available. If you need one read further.. After short googling the web I came across this: python.js from Ben Godfrey. The ...!--more-->
Exploit Magento Zend Vulnerability
If you want to check your magento installation whether it was affected by the XXE injection inside XMLRPC API I will show you my short pythonscript for it. For that you'll need Python/Requests. And the following script which you might need to configure for your installation:
import requests ...
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