This article is about simulating browsers to test your webpages. Contrary to a unit-test you check your whole page with this. That is also why I think this is the most cost/time efficient method. But also you probably won't see so much cornercases and won't find so ...
Use javascript to download webpages
This article is about how I've used javascript to download from real estate websites, parsing the data and put it into a table. The whole process is done on clientside to have some fun with javascript.
The webpage
On I've uploaded this page. Wohnung is ...
jQuery Chili with Python Syntax Highlighting
If you like the jQuery Chili Plugin for syntaxhighlighting and like to publish python scripts, you will see that there is not a default highlighting file for this available. If you need one read further.. After short googling the web I came across this: python.js from Ben Godfrey. The ...!--more-->
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