When using the Rest Api of Magento with a POST request and you get following error: "Invalid data type. Check Content-Type." you must read my blogpost further because I know the answer :)
analyzing this
The source of this error is in app/code/core/Mage/Api2/Model/Request/Interpreter/Query.php
if (!$this->_validateQuery($body)) { throw new Mage_Api2_Exception( 'Invalid data type. Check Content-Type.', Mage_Api2_Model_Server::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST ); } parse_str($body, $data); with following method: const URI_VALIDATE_PATTERN = "/^(?:%[[:xdigit:]]{2}|[A-Za-z0-9-_.!~*'()\[\];\/?:@&=+$,])*$/"; protected function _validateQuery($query) { return preg_match(self::URI_VALIDATE_PATTERN, $query); }
So we see the body of the POST-request will get parsed if all signs are ok.
That regex looks strange at first but is very easy, it basically allows this:
and a % sign with to hexadecimal numbers behind.
So what it does, it basically checks that the body is in this format:
When you receive an error, you have special characters in this and need to escape them. Special characters are for example a space (" ") or an umlaut ("äöü").
Next it continues to call parse_str() which will transfer this string into an array.
fixing this
Fixing this is very simple, you have a value in the POST-data which isn't correctly urlencoded. So you just need to urlencode() every value with special characters. This will replace a space with a plus-sign or for example a "#" with "%23".