This is a Class which will allows you to create a folder and autoload all classes in it based on their name or regex. Maybe it can also be called Plugin System.
Since I don't know how to describe it best without confusing anyone I think examples are the best to begin with: This is the basefile, which will start registering and then loading the classes via name and then via regex:
from extension import ExtensionRegistrator ext = ExtensionRegistrator() ext.loadFolder('example/') # should end with a / print "get Extension by name:" for i in ['test1', 'another_test1', 'test2', 'generic']: print "%s -> %s" % (i, str(ext.getExtensionByName(i))) print "get Extension by regex:" for i in ['', '', 'amazon', 'nothing']: print "%s -> %s" % (i, str(ext.getExtensionByRegexStringMatch(i)))
Now each file inside the example folder:
from extension import Extension I want to show here, that you easily can add a extension to your existing classes without changing their code class Test1(object): def somestuff(self): pass but it works only if you don't have too much public methods class ExtensionTest1(Test1, Extension): eregex = '^(http://)?(www.)?*)' ename = "test1" def somestuff(self): return Test1.somestuff(self) another possibility is to have multiple extensions in one file: class AnotherExtensionTest1(Test1, Extension): eregex = '^(http://)?(www.)?*)' ename = "another_test1" def somestuff(self): return Test1.somestuff(self)
from extension import Extension class Test2(Extension): # just in case you don't know how to add multiple strings into a regex: eregex = '(^(http://)?(www.)?*))|(amazon)' ename = "test2"
from extension import Extension class Generic(Extension): eregex = '.*' ename = "generic" # this will match for every regex, but we don't want that this will block others from being found # so give it the lowest priority with the following flag elowestPriority = True
The Code
I don't post the code here since it is too long.. it works like this: Iterate all .py files in the specified directory, iterate all classes inside these files, look if they inherit from Extension and then register them in a list with their name and regex.
When loading the extension just iterate that list and look for matches and return the class - which then can be instantiated.
Use cases
I think everywhere, where loose coupling via extension points makes sense.. For example I had a tool which would crawl some websites and one could append new websites just by creating a new pythonclass which wrapped the logic.. Those classes were loaded by the url-regex.
And as another use case I came up with: one gets a string which defines a serialization type and serialized data.. Then the program looks if an extension with this name of serialization-type exists and starts the deserialization.. so you can easily add more methods without changing existing code.
Another Example I came up with is as eventhandler: You write a bot and crawl some pages. On each page where the url doesn't contain "?ajax=true" you want to extract a particular part of the page..